Monday, October 4, 2010

Sanur is slower

Flat Mrs. Abbott at the Mangrove Beach Sanctuary in Sanur.
Mmmm... the watermelon juice is delicious!

Flat Mrs. Abbott loves the flowers growing around the pool at Mangrove Beach Sanctuary.

Inside our villa.

Braeden has breakfast by the pool. We bought our own eggs then found out breakfast was included so we had no need to cook for ourselves!

Braeden, the strong one!

Rob the lifeguard ready to save Ron
the owner of the villa.

Ron, the lifeguard, to the rescue!

Dinner on beach in Sanur

Fruit bat in Sanur

Fruit bat

Terry and Blaise playing chess

Braeden gets ready to jet ski.

Blaise gets ready to jet ski in Sanur.

Blaise, jet skiing.

Braeden, jet skiing. Check out that big spray!

Boys after jet skiing. Nice hair.

Beach in S.anur

Mrs. Abbott at Sanur beach.

We left Kuta for Sanur on Oct 1st. Sanur is located about 45 minutes from Kuta on the east coast of Bali. It stretches about 5 km along an eastern-facing coastline with the landscaped grounds and restaurants of expensive hotels fronting right onto the beach. We are staying at Mangrove Beach Sanctuary Villas. It is about a 5 minute walk to the beach where a lot of locals like to spend time on Sunday, their day off. There are two villas here and about 6 rooms. It is fun here because we can speak English with people from Australia and there is even a couple of teachers from Victoria staying here! The owner of the villa is an Australian named Ron and his wife is from an island north of Bali. They have lived here for about 12 years. On the first night we were here he came out dressed up in a surf lifesaving costume. I missed taking a picture of him but a couple of nights later Rob, an Aussie staying here dressed up an knocked on our door asking if there was anyone in here that needed saving.

When we were walking along the path by the beach we found a huge chess set and so Terry and Blaise played a game. Blaise and Braeden are able to drive mopeds here because there is not as much traffic here. They both really like the freedom of being able to go when they want to. They rented the mopeds from a guy at a restaurant down the road. The interesting thing about the restaurant is there is a pet fruit bat hanging in a tree beside it. When the teenage boy who owns it comes near the tree the bat starts to climb down from the tree and the bat eats a piece of cucumber from his hand. I have never seen a big bat like that except in a cage in a zoo.

On Sunday the boys went jet skiing. Neither of them had ever driven a jet ski before so Iwas a bit nervous but they managed fine and they had a really good time. There is reef surfing 800 metres away from the shore here in Sanur. The boys have not taken an interest in surfing here and I am glad because we wouldn't be able to keep a good eye on them that far out. Terry and I sat and looked out at the fishing boats and a fisherman who was standing about 30 metres out in the water. There were a few boats moving by him and the jet skis and we worried a bit for his safety but he didn't seem to notice the boats.

It is quieter here and I enjoy walking here because there is less traffic.

Yesterday we went to a waterpark in Kuta. We went with a couple of Aussies; a single dad named Andrew and his 14 year old daughter Chloe. Terry, the boys and the Aussies all tried the slide called the Climax. They had to climb the stairs about 50 metres up and step into a glass chamber. The operator then said 1, 2,3 go and then the floor opened up and they dropped about 40 metres straight down. The slide continues to then swing up and loop around. It sounded terrifying to me and Chloe said it was! She went on it because she promised her dad she would if he went on it. He went on it so she kept her promise. Flat Mrs. Abbott and Mrs. Abbott just went on the easy waterslides and enjoyed swimming in the pool.

We ended the day in Sanur with dinner on the beach and a walk.


  1. Hey it looks like you guys are having a fabulous time... so jealous! I think Flat Mrs Abbott could have handled that slide! lol

    Richard Matthews

  2. How is Flat Mrs Abbott these days? Haven't heard any news?!? I'll try e-mailing you to see if there's a response. I'm missing you big time!

