Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sunsets and Swan Valley Nov. 29- Dec. 3rd in Perth

Marmion Beach at sunset


Terry and Blaise

Flat Mrs. Abbbott can't wait to taste the chocolate!

Workers making chocolates at Margaret River Chocolate factory.

Packing the chocolates.

This mannequin is made from chocolate.

Grapes growing on the vine at the Houghton winery.

Wine store and tasting at Houghton winery.

Blaise and Terry at the Houghton Winery. The trees with the purple flowers are called Jacarandas.

Linnea at the Houghton winery.

Inside the winery.

Flat Mrs. Abbott by the Swan River.

Getting ready to go kayaking.

Linnea kayaking on the Swan River.

Terry kayaking.

We saw the Burwood Casino while we were kayaking on the river.

Terry and Linnea.

Braeden in front of the kayak and Blaise in the back.

The big lights are at the WACA where the cricket games are played here in Perth.

An Australian Darter drying its wings at the edge of the Swan River.

We kayaked to Claisebrook Cove, East Perth.

View of the city of Perth in the distance.

Huge home in Claisebrook.

Australian Darter.

We have enjoyed another week of trips to the beach and a sunset on the Indian Ocean. We took a trip to the Swan Valley where we went to the Margaret River chocolate factory and visited some wineries. On Friday we went kayaking on the Swan River.

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