Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Kuta and White Water Rafting

We are staying in Kuta now at the
BaliSandy Cottages.
Flat Mrs. Abbott loves this place! She can lounge by the pool or go to the beach. She couldn't wait to get into the pool! She also thought the view from the balcony was pretty cool. Blaise and Braeden and Mr. and Mrs. Abbott like it here too. Mrs. Abbott finds the traffic in Kuta a bit much though. The streets are narrow and there are motorcycles going both ways. She tries to walk on the sidewalks but there are a lot of tourists here and not much room on the sidewalks. Vendors are constantly asking if you want to buy their hats, sunglasses or if you want transport. "Motorbike, yes?" they ask. No, I do not want to ride on a motorbike here, too scary! Yesterday we all went white water rafting on the Telaga Waja River in the mountains near KlungKung. We travelled by van there and it took about two and a half hours to get there. Mrs. Abbott was a bit scared at first but it was really fun! The water is fast but our guide was excellent. He kept us very safe. The other boat in our group flipped over and everyone fell out. No one was hurt though. The water is fast but it is a narrow river and not really deep. We stopped at a waterfall along the way and took some great pictures. We saw Mt. Agung in the distance and tiers rice paddies growing on the hills. This is the first time we have seen rice growing. From a distance it kind of looks like tall green grass growing. We saw people drying the rice on the sides of the road on big mats. It was nice to get out into the countryside and see the beautiful trees and rice paddies. Balinease people sell food in little huts by the side of the road. I managed to get a shot of a group of people as we were driving by. It was a long ride home because we stopped off at Ubud, an artisan village to drop off a Japanese couple to their new accomodation. We left Kuta at 9 in the morning and we didn't get home until after 7 at night. It was a long day but the river rafting was a blast!

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