Saturday, January 15, 2011

Water puppets and more of Hanoi

Flat Mrs. Abbott enjoyed visiting Hanoi. Hanoi is in northern Vietnam.

She thought the streets were very busy.

Braeden, Terry, Linnea and Blaise with
Hoam Kiem Lake in background in Hanoi.

We went to the water puppet theatre in Hanoi. It was a wonderful show. The art form of water puppetry originated in northern Vietnam. I'm glad we were able to catch a show on our last evening in Hanoi.

The puppets slide along metal bars in water.

I just loved the water puppets. The expression on this puppet's face made me smile.

Water puppets playing instruments.

Water puppets told legends and stories about daily life.

The puppeteers came out at the end of the show. I loved their colourful costumes.

Water puppets in the lobby.

Water puppets for sale after the show.

We ate outside on the deck of this restaurant in Hanoi because the only inside rooms available had smokers in them.

Terry enjoying his meal.

Some green vegetable with ground nuts and salt for dipping in.

Vietnamese food is soooo good!

Hoam Kiem Lake in the background. Braeden being goofy!

Ngoc Son Temple was founded in the 18th century.


Blaise, Braeden and Terry in front of the communal Bahnar communal house at the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology.

The former Presidential Palace in Hanoi.

Some school children visiting the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum complex. They were very friendly, saying hello and waving to us.

Blaise, Terry, Linnea and Braeden outside the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Complex in Hanoi, Vietnam.